The Five Levels of Leadership Agility in Pictures

The Five Levels of Leadership Agility

All Levels of Leadership Agility drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility Level 1: The Expert drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility Level 2: The Achiever drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility Level 3: The Catalyst drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility Level 4: The Co-Creator drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility: The Synergist drawing by Julia Västrik
Leadership Agility Book by Bill Joiner

Theory X or Theory Y People?

Drawing of Theory X People by Douglas McGregor
Drawing of Theory Y People by Douglas McGregor
Drawing of Theory X or Theory Y People by Douglas McGregor and Kurt Lewin's Equation about Behaviour, Personality and Environement


