Julia’s Blog
The Cobra Effect
Have you heard about The Cobra Effect? It refers to a situation that happened in India during British rule. The British government was seriously concerned about the large number of venomous cobra snakes in Delhi, so the government officials offered a generous bounty for every dead cobra collected. Initially, this was a very successful strategy…
‘Your Strengths on Your Back’ Icebreaker
A very dynamic and fun icbreaker whic at the same time it creates warm feelings and is very encouraging for the participants.
How I run the “Theory X and Y” exercise
Theory X and Theory Y people exercise is a great great activity for Leadership training.
You As The Product
What if you treated your career like a cutting-edge product?
Feedback In Pictures
Visuals about Feedback giving and receiving. Feel free to use these visuals for your work and study. Many visuals are based on the book ‘Thanks for the Feedback’ by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen – a highly recommended reading. Receiving Feedback Giving Feedback PDF ‘How To Give and Receive Feedback’ See also: Learn giving positive…
The Whole Team Approach to Innovation
Who is the source of innovation? People with the word “Innovation” in their title? Or Software Engineers?
Agile, Lean & Scrum
Here, you can find my visuals on Agile, Lean & Scrum that you can use for your work and study.
How I run the “Market Of Skills” exercise
Market Of Skills exercise is a great tool for creating awareness of knowledge and skills available within the team.
Making More Mistakes
Making More Mistakes helps us progress with learning a new skill faster than anything else, says Adam Grant’s in his book “Hidden Potential.”
High-Performing Team In Pictures
Drawings about Building Effective Teams.
Constellation Icebreaker
The constellation exercise is a very gentle icebreaker, which allows team members to get to know each other.
Participatory Decision-Making In Pictures
Visuals on Participatory Decision-Making by Sam Kanner.
Lost Name Icebreaker
Lost Name Icebreaker is a fun and entertaining activity, mostly for social events where participants are not familiar with each other.
Product Discovery For Engineers in Pictures
Product Discovery for Engineers in Picture
Ideation in Flies Mode
When ideating, let’s be more like flies rather than bees!
Speed Networking Icebreaker
Speed Networking icebreaker is an easy and quick way to get people talking at the beginning of different types of social events.
Three Minutes About You Icebreaker
Three Minutes About You is an icebreaker that allows team members to get to know their peers deeply in a very short period of time
Mad Question Party Team Activity
Mad Question Party is a team-building activity, letting team members find out what they want to know about others and open up a part of themselves.
Diversity Bingo Icebreaker
Diversity Bingo is a dynamic energising icebreaker, which also serves as a team-building exercise to let people get to know each other better.
Stand-Up In Pictures
All the pictures about Stand-Up in a single post.
Stand-Up is Not a Status Report Meeting
Many stand-ups resemble traditional status report meetings. What are the problems with such an approach? How to make stand-ups more valuable?
How I run “Conflict Management Styles” exercise
Having conflict is important to progress as a team and nurture innovation, still for many of us it is a difficult situation to handle. This exercise helps the team members to handle conflicting situations better.
How I run “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” workshop
Detailed plan how to run of a workshop The Five Dysfunction of a Team for the whole team, as a separate event or a module for a longer one
Accelerated Learning and Brain-Friendly Trainings in Pictures
Active Learning and Brain-Friendly Training In Pictures