Agile coaching ja koolitused, konsultatsioon ja meeskonnakoolitused Tallinnas, Eestis
Kaasahaaravad ja interaktiivsed koolitused, mis inspireerivad meeskondi ja toovad praktilisi tulemusi. Koolitused hõlmavad Agile & Lean, Scrum & Kanban, meeskonnadünaamikat ja kõrge sooritusvõimega meeskondi, tööalast coachingut ning tõhusat tagasisidet. Lisaks pakun edasijõudnute töötubasid inseneride juhtidele ja meeskonnajuhtidele, keskendudes juhtimisele, fasiliteerimisele ja coachingule. Samuti pakun meeskondade ja organisatsioonide coachingut, et suurendada koostööd, paindlikkust ja jätkusuutlikku kasvu, ning viin läbi töötubasid, nagu disainisprindid, et edendada innovatsiooni ja probleemide lahendamist. Koolitusi viib läbi Julia Västrik – Agile coach, koolitaja ja praktik rohkem kui 10-aastase coachingukogemuse ja üle 20-aastase IT-kogemusega.

Kõik teenused
Rohkem Juliast

Fellow Coach

Kõige Populaarsemad Koolitused

>> Kõik koolitused


Team Dynamics training was really balanced in terms of new information, engagement of participants and pace. We got new thoughts and ideas to improve our foundation for deliveries despite we are a mature team who has worked together for many years. Julia is a shining coach who has good experience in IT industry, superb preparation for training and good skills to create a relaxed and trustful atmosphere to talk about hard topics.

Mattias Mustonen

Team Lead in Swedbank

It’s rare that you come across a standout talent like Julia. I was particularly impressed by Julia’s ability to communicate and educate people in Agile Ways of working. The way she handles groups, it seemed to come perfectly naturally to her. Her energy is contagious and it is impossible not to feel energized after meeting her.

Daniel Carvalho

Engineering Manager in Glia

Thank you very much for your effort to train 20 people from IT cross-functional team about Agile principles and Scrum. We had a really valuable training with an interactive approach. Specially big thanks for those beautiful worksheets made by yourself! I really liked also the energy and calmness you brought to the audience, and you didn’t “oversell” yourself.  So overall – a spectacular experience I would definitely recommend to other teams also.

Dekla Uusma

Team Manager @ Swedbank

Thank you so much for this useful Scrum training, Julia! We now have definitely some new thoughts we can start working with! 💪


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