Tag: exercise
“What If?” Brainstorming Technique
The “What If?” brainstorming technique is a creative method designed to encourage out-of-the-box thinking by posing hypothetical, often extreme or unusual scenarios.
The Power of Pre-Mortem
Pre-mortem technique is a powerful, proactive way to surface potential risks before they become real problems.
Reverse Brainstorming
Reverse Brainstorming is a creative thinking technique where instead of focusing on solving a problem, you explore ways to make the problem worse.
Facilitation at Different Stages
Facilitation tips and activities for different stages of decision-making process: Divergent Thinking, Groan Zone, and Convergent Thinking.
‘Your Strengths on Your Back’ Icebreaker
A very dynamic and fun icbreaker whic at the same time it creates warm feelings and is very encouraging for the participants.
How I run the “Theory X and Y” exercise
Theory X and Theory Y people exercise is a great great activity for Leadership training.
How I run the “Market Of Skills” exercise
Market Of Skills exercise is a great tool for creating awareness of knowledge and skills available within the team.
How I run “Conflict Management Styles” exercise
Having conflict is important to progress as a team and nurture innovation, still for many of us it is a difficult situation to handle. This exercise helps the team members to handle conflicting situations better.
How I run “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” workshop
Detailed plan how to run of a workshop The Five Dysfunction of a Team for the whole team, as a separate event or a module for a longer one