Julia’s Blog
Phase 1 of Retrospective: Set The Stage
The first step of the retrospective is Set the stage, and this step is often omitted, as many teams want to get “straight to the point”. Meanwhile it helps people switch off from previous tasks, focus on upcoming work, start feeling more comfortable and relaxed, get closer to each other, maybe have some laugh and…
The Five Phases of Retrospective
Many team retrospectives never go beyond the same format of asking “What went well?” and “What should we do differently?”, which might be a good start, but it becomes boring routine after N times repetitions. As retro facilitators, we could do much better than this – by designing retro formats that would ignite deep thinking,…
Why do teams skip retrospectives?
Why teams tend to skip retrospectives? The usual suspect is lack of time but it is not the only one. Others might be: no any tangible results, it is just boring, the same things are being discussed over and over again, the same format year in year out, it is an arena just for a…